The Rochester Fantasy Fans are pleased to announce that we are bidding for the 2010 World Science Fiction Convention. We are planning on holding the convention the traditional Labor Day Weekend, which for 2010 is the week of September 1-6, 2010. Our competition is bidding for some time in August. I don't know about you but I don't think galavanting around the Australian Outback in the intense heat of the August summer is something I am in no hurry to do.


The location for our convention will be the Spirit of Ontario which is our fast ferry that connected Rochester, New York to Toronto Ontario, Canada. As of this moment we don't exactly have posession of the ferry anymore. The City of Rochester sold the ferry to a German concern when they found out that they were losing vast sums of money trying to operate the ferry. But that isn't going to stop us. We've enlisted the aid of some of the best negotiators in fandom to "acquire" the ferry by "whatever means are necessary". I'm sure that they can "coherse" the Germans into letting us use the ferry for the Worldcon Bid. This group is:

The Dorsai Irregulars

Once we acquire the ferry from the Germans, it must be retrofitted. You can't go pillaging and plundering the Great Lakes and the former World Con sites of Toronto, Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, and Montreal without making a few people (and governments) upset.

We've enlisted the aid of one of Canadas foremost authorities on Naval ships and warfare to oversee the retrofit of the ship. Our Admiral of the soon to be Fleet is none other than

Andre Lieven

As many of you know Andre has way too much knowledge of naval warfare, armament, ships for us not to make good use of. He knows the entire makeup of the American and Canadian navies. Many a time I've sat transfixed with the knowledge that he imparts at consuites all over fandom. He is a natural to outfit the ship so that it can withstand any navy the United States or Canada can muster.





Outfitting the Ferry

 The Rochester Fantasy Fans

 Rochester Tourism

 The Competition

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